
President Profile

President Profile

President Profile: Jun Adachi
Date of Birth: Feb. 3 1958
Academic Background: Osaka University bachelor of engineering

Apr. 1981:
Employed by Yamaha, Co. Ltd. ( http://www.yamaha.co.jp/ ) as an engineer. Concerned the development of Synthesizer and FM sound module LSI(Early PC sound module, digital synth sound module, etc.)
Also concerned as a member of the “MIDI” device development project.
The List of developments
-DX7(Sound module, world’s first full digital synthesizer)
-DX100/27(Consummer type digital synthesizer)
-TZ81Z(FM sound module, which is still used in techno type of sound production)
-V50(Workstation type synthesizer, Equipments: Synth, Sequencer, rhythm tracks, data storage, etc.)
-SY77(Workstation type synthesizer for Pro. use, FM+PCM Sound module)
-A7000(Sampler for Pro. use, HDR equiped)
Jul. 1995:
Employed by FOR-A Co. Ltd. ( http://www.for-a.com/ ) as a system development manager for broadcasting.
Concerned the development of Audio,Video Disk Recorder, digital audio switcher, etc.
The list of development
-DR-300A(Audio disk recorder for broadcasting)
-DR-300(Video disk recorder for broadcasting)
-LDR-110(Video disk recorder for broadcasting, OEM over sea)
-Digital audio switcher (Special offer from broadcast station)
Feb. 2000:
Employed by Noel, Co. Ltd. ( http://www.noel.co.jp ) as a product general manager
Concerned the general management of “Indie music CD sales”, Music web distribution and mobile official site.
Sep. 2000:
Taking office as a Chief director of Noel, Co. Ltd.
Concernd the management and developement of members’ service on mobile site.(Poke Shock Wave)
Mar. 2001:
Noel, Co. Ltd. merged into Listen Japan, Co. Ltd.
Taking office as a Senior manager of Mobile contents section.
Continued the management and developement of members’ service on mobile site.
Jun. 2001:
Concerned the developement and management as a director of developement.
Oct. 2001:
Resigned Listen Japan, Co. Ltd.
Nov. 2001:
Established Jazz Interplay, Inc